Shop W&H Implant/Surgical Units - Implantmed, Implantmed Plus, Elcomed, Piezomed. GDS is an authorized dealer of W&H surgical units, motors and accessories.
Implant/Oral Surgery Units Price List
Name of Surgical Unit |
W&H model # |
W&H Unit Reference Number |
Indication |
Specific Comments | Price |
Implantmed Classic | SI-915 | 90000270 | Basic Implant Surgeries | This unit comes with a WI-75 non dismantable implant handpiece. | $5,483.00 |
Implantmed Plus | SI-1015 | 90000207 | Advanced implant surgeries (immediate load) and dent alveolar oral changes. | This is a modular system. Osstell, Piezo modules can wireless foot control can be added to the basic unit any time. | $4,870.00 |
Elcomed | SA-310 | 15933102 | Designed for oral surgeons, provides the highest torque for sectioning. | This unit plus S-16 or S-12 high speed oral surgery handpieces provide the highest performance for dentoalveolar surgeries. | $8,226.00 |